We painted the nursery this past weekend with the help of my amazing mom and future sister-in-law. It went by so much faster with their help, and I cannot believe how awesome the nursery is beginning to look. We chose a light gray for the walls with a striped accent wall in a slightly darker shade of the main gray. I wish I had pics of the progress, but I forgot. I do have one silly pic of Mom with a tape beard, but I don’t think she’d want that in cyber space!
I did however, take some pictures of Derrick installing wainscoting, which is still a work in progress. We have all the wood cut and the chair rail put up. This week we’re working on nailing the slats, filling in nail holes and painting the wood. I have a feeling we won’t finish, and we’re going out of town this weekend, so stay tuned for a final picture.
Here’s my 16 week bump in the nursery. Please excuse my striped pj’s!

can’t wait!
You are so stinking cute, Stef. I can’t wait to see this complete nursery and some babies!!