Our baby girl, and the baby of our family, just turned one! Happy birthday Harper.
To our little pumpkin: You are such a doll. You bring such joy and innocence to our lives. Your smile, your hugs, your kiss-kisses are the best part of the day. I love to watch you dance, and to see how you light up around brother and sister. I love that your mommy’s girl and how you look so much like your daddy. I can’t get enough of those big, blue eyes staring so sweetly and the way you tilt your head when you want some love. You are a beautiful blessing, and I will treasure you forever.
Our sweet girl is thriving. She is taking steps, waving, clapping, signing all done and more, and speed crawling after her siblings. She loves to imitate our silly sounds, and she can identify herself as the baby. She points to herself when we ask ‘who is the baby?’ It’s so cute! She says mama, dada, hi, and yum yum. Her favorite toys are rattles, balls, Corbin’s pink monkey, and Lynley’s princesses. Harper loves to dance and bounce, and be tickled. Her laughter and smile are infectious!
Harper also loves to eat, and has a very healthy appetite. Her favorites are toast, avocado, raviolis, and quinoa. We did discover that she is allergic to eggs, so that will open a new world for us with food allergies. She did get to enjoy a gluten-free, vegan cupcake for her birthday though. We’ll be scheduling some allergy testing soon.
We have her one year checkup on Monday, so official stats to come. Approximate stats… 20.5lbs and 29in. She is definitely our biggest baby, but still charting a tad on the smaller to average side. I don’t think Lynley weighed 20lbs until she was well over 18 months old! So many things are different with our third child, but that’s another blog post…