11 month update

11 month twins Corbin and Lynley

My little ones are 11 months old today. They’re going through a major growth spurt right now with teeth coming in, hair growing in Lynley’s case, getting taller and chubbier, and eating everything in sight!

11 month twins Corbin and LynleyCorbin and Lynley have started standing without support for a few seconds at a time. Corbin has actually taken one step a few times, and so has Lynley. I have no idea who will walk first, which is strange because Lynley has done everything first! I’m not so sure she will beat her brother this time though. He takes more “risks” than her. They love to stand up and look out the window, take steps holding onto furniture, people, and Jeep the dog. It’s hilarious to watch them stand behind the little walker and push it while taking huge, unsteady steps with legs spread far apart. The smiles on their faces and confidence this gives them is priceless.

Other milestones: Corbin has two teeth, and two on the way. Lynley has two and a half teeth and one more about to cut through. They both wear size 4 diapers and mostly 9 month clothes with some 6 month bottoms and shirts. He weighs about 18lbs, and she weighs 15.5lbs. Corbin no longer drinks from bottles, and is a sippy cup pro! We’re still working on Lynley, but have her down to one or two a day. They are becoming huge eaters. I spoke with a few of my friends about what they feed their babies and how they handle meal times, and things are going much better than in my post about weaning. We’ve adapted a staggered eating schedule. I plan to post about this soon in case it helps other moms out there like me, who are intimidated and overwhelmed when it comes to feeding “real” food. Remember, when their doctor told me to feed them more? Yeah, that really lowered my confidence, but we are on track now! Stay tuned for my food post!

11 month twins Corbin and Lynley

Corbin is saying “da, da” and “oh, no”. Lynley says “da, da,” “mom” occasionally, “ba”, “hi” and “hey.” They both shake their heads “no, no” and can tell me no when they do not want anymore food or milk. They understand what it means when I tell them no about something too. They have started playing little games with each other. They have a little stuffed animal they love called “Max the Monster.” Corbin will grab him, and Lynley will take Max in an attempt to get Corbin to take it back from her. When he does, she giggles and smiles at him. They continue letting each other take the toy, smiling and laughing the whole time. This is so cute! I never showed them this, so it’s even more awesome to me that they do it. But this is the only toy they are like that about. Other toys, I have noticed they will run away from each other and whine a little bit if it’s taken away. They also love to play hide n’ seek with me and with each other. Lots of times Corbin will even initiate the game himself by “hiding” from me! It’s absolutely the most adorable thing he’s done thus far! I have an upcoming post on this as well in my Tot School series.

I’ll have many more updates next month when the babies turn ONE! What!?! It’s been a long, but short first year. Party planning posts and crafts galore coming up on the blog as well.

11 month twins Corbin and Lynley

11 month twins Corbin and Lynley

11 month twins Corbin and Lynley

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