Wordless Wednesday: Teeth!

The day has finally come. Lynley has a half tooth and another emerging! Corbin is not going to be far behind her, but I can’t see any teeth just yet. His gums just look very puffy. They have been working on these teeth for three months, and I feel so bad for them. It hurts! But Sophie la Girafe has helped a ton. They love her.

Teething with Sophie la girafe

Teething with Sophie la girafe

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  1. says

    Teething is awful! I just caved and bought that damn $30 giraffe last weekend. Piper loved her friends so of course, I’m a sucker and had to buy her one too:)

  2. says

    Aw yay for teeth finally! Addie popped THREE teeth this week, she has been a disaster. Even Sophie hasn’t been helping around here! :

    Hope you get a break from teeth for at least a few days once Corbin’s pops through!