What does happiness mean to you? My husband always says that happiness is a choice- to be satisfied with what you have, to be kind, to love and let others love you. I think in this instance, (which doesn’t happen very often!) he is right!
I believe that happiness happens in ordinary, every day moments. Whether it’s a quick kiss as you pass by one another, a good morning hug, tickle fight or the pure joy of seeing your child accomplish a milestone, happiness comes in all shapes and sizes.
I’ve been blessed to stay home with my precious twins, Corbin and Lynley, for almost two years now. They make me smile every day and bring so much joy to our entire families. This video is just a small glimpse into our happiness.
We’re participating in the Happy Family Happiness Happens contest. Bloggers have been invited to post their happiness photos and videos to spread cheer and for a chance to win prizes.
What does happiness mean to you? Please share with me in the comments.