Introducing Spit and Sparkles…
Our new blog is almost complete! Becca at Jumping Jax Designs is putting the finishing touches on the design tonight, and I’ll be finishing the info on the new pages after that. But please go ahead and begin following us. You can find all of the posts of Adventures of Steffany and Derrick over here. Just look on the right hand side of the home page to subscribe by email or follow through Google Friend Connect.
And just an fyi to those who use Google Reader to sort the blogs you follow. It’s dunzo as of 7/1/13. If you’re looking for a new organizer, Bloglovin’ is a great one. There is even a way to import your entire Google Reader list with one click! Follow Spit and Sparkles on Bloglovin’
So, what do you think of the new blog? I wanted to make it more about the kiddos than Derrick and me. It took awhile to come up with a name because we aren’t as clever as we thought we were! A lot of ideas we had were already taken. My sister and brother-in-law helped us think of spit and sparkles. I think it’s perfect!
Katrena says
Steffany says
thank you!