Teething sucks. If you didn’t catch my tone from the title, this is a negative post. We’re all quite miserable in this house right now, except maybe Corbin. The reason being… Lynley’s first set of baby molars. One down, and three to go. Lord help us!
The past couple of weeks have been filled with a little drama from my little miss, but that clinginess and attitude does not even compare to how she’s been feeling the last two days. My pretty baby will not leave my lap. She holds on tight with her head on my shoulder, bear tucked under her arm and a cool, damp cloth in her mouth. She’s running a slight fever, the max being 101.3, and she barely eats. Derrick also had to rock her back to sleep last night and hold her for a few hours before he could put her back in her crib. It’s breaking my heart because I can’t fix it. I just hold her tight and sing to her all day. And pat her back… she definitely lets me know when I’ve fallen off rhythm!
Mom shirt- DIY design from Zazzle |
Corbin is being such a great big brother. He has been so independent, patient and just sweet since ‘sis, sis’ has not been feeling well. I appreciate it sooo much! He doesn’t seem too bothered with teething his molars. I can feel the bumps in his mouth, and he’s been biting everything so I know they’re near. He typically follows Lynley about a week later with new teeth, but I really hope he doesn’t feel what she does.
Will you send up a prayer of relief for us? How did/do your kids handle teething?
Here are our current treatments/remedies:
Lots of cuddles, kisses and hugs
Tylenol during day for fever reducer/pain relief and ibuprofen at night to help aid restful sleep and keep fever down.
Cool, damp cloth
Ice cube in mesh snack bag
Cold fruits and popsicles
Rubber duckies
Sophie the giraffe
Hard, plastic toys
Stuffed animals
Things Lynley wishes I would let her chew on: books, my feet, Corbin’s arm, the bottom of filthy shoes, the remote control.

have you tried baltic amber teething necklaces?
Yes, we have two necklaces! I forgot about them! Adding that to the list…
Hi Steffany! What a sweet blog and gorgeous family you have. I’m so glad to have found you. <3 Sending you lots of warm, healing thoughts as you guys wade through this round of teething troubles. It’s so hard — I hope that relief & rest are in your very near future. xo
Hi Dena! Thanks for the sweet comments.