9 month update

9 month twins

Lynley and Corbin turned nine months old on Saturday! They are such a joy to be around and really keeping us busy, hence the lack of blog posts lately. That and I’ve been watching the previous seasons of Drop Dead Diva on Netflix, so I’ve been in a bit of a posting rut. It’s a really cute show in case you haven’t seen it yet and want something to watch before fall premieres. Anyway… on to the update!

The babies will be going for their nine month checkup in a couple of weeks due to their doctor being on vacation. It’s no big deal since they won’t receive any vaccinations this time, and they said I could even wait until they were ten months. I’d rather do it now though to avoid all the back to school checkups at the end of the month. So, I don’t know how much they weigh, or how tall they are, or what percentile they’re in, etc. But I don’t really care about all of that anyway. They’re healthy, they’re thriving, they’re happy.

9 month twins

So what is new? Corbin is now crawling… forward! He is also starting to pull up, but has a way to go.  Lynley has mastered pulling up. We had to lower her crib mattress, and she is still tall enough to grab the rail and bite it! At least, she cannot climb over it though. We’ve had countless bumps on the head while they’ve both learned their new skills, but I’m trying to let them explore and not hover. I’m also trying very hard not to pick her or Corbin up right away unless it’s a big boo boo. Sometimes, I can tell that it just startles them when they fall over and they’re not really hurt. I hesitate for a few seconds before I pick them up, but I do talk to them and let them know that it’s ok and that I am right there. I give them a kiss where ever the boo boo was, and most of the time they’re fine. I encourage them to try again too, especially with Corbin. He was getting very frustrated about not being able to crawl, but Derrick and I worked with him so much and really loved on him and praised him. Now, we can’t keep up with him!

Other loves, books and pulling them off the shelves; climbing all over Mommy’s lap; giving us kisses; grabbing our noses; and trying to crawl away when we change diapers! That last one is so annoying. We’ve tried the strap, and they just wiggle out of it. We’ve also tried a changing table toy they only play with there, but they don’t care. As soon as the air hits the bottom, they try to take off. We’re in for it when they get to that no clothes stage. Neither one of them really dislikes anything, other than being restrained when they want to move, but who doesn’t?.

Lynley has begun babbling dadada constantly. It’s really sweet when she says it to Derrick, although I  don’t know that she understands that she is saying his name. Favorite thing she does right now: shakes her head no, no. I’m not sure she knows what she is really doing, but I’ve been practicing it with her. She will do it when you say yes, yes, yes or when you give Eskimo kisses (rubbing noses together). It’s super cute!

9 month twins

Corbin now holds his own bottle! He is still a bit lazy about it because he would rather grab at anything else, but we’ve been letting him drop it in his lap and pick it up on his own. He’s getting the idea. Favorite thing he does right now: his infectious laugh when he gets tickled. He is just like his Daddy and super ticklish. Corbin loves the tickle monster and actually smiles in anticipation and gives the loudest scream and giggle. I recorded it, but for some reason the light on my phone was on, and it looks like he has demon eyes. Creepy!

They’ve become more aware of each other and crawl on each other, try to steal each other’s toys, pull each other’s hair and grab faces. They are kind of rough with each other, but it’s so cute watching them play together! I’m waiting for the moment they start babbling at each other and develop that secret language.

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  1. says

    Hi, I’m Janelle, and I found your blog through a recent blog-hop! I’m so excited I stumbled upon yours. I am your newest follower!

    Your babies are SO precious! I love twins and can only hope I am lucky enough to have a set someday.

    I would love if you would follow me back!

    Janelle at janelle-and-dan.blogspot.com

  2. says

    I’m glad that you know! We all are reaching out to try and spread the word to see if we can get it around asap before she does it to other moms to!!!!