A day in the life

Me, Katrena and Lynley

So, I’m going out of town and leaving the babies for the first time overnight Saturday. It’s exciting/heart wrenching all at the same time, but I will be traveling five hours to celebrate my sister’s 30th birthday and enjoy some girl time with her and my mom. Very needed! Anyway, I’m leaving Derrick a play-by-play of the babies’ routine, and I thought I’d post it for you guys too.

Morning feeding between 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m
Corbin eats 6 ounces of milk and straight back to sleep.
Lynley eats 5 ounces of milk and straight back to sleep.

Good morning smiles from pretty baby are the best!

Breakfast 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m
Babies go in high chairs in kitchen.
Offer Corbin another 6 ounces of milk, but he may only take 4.5 to 5. Offer some of Lynley’s cereal.
Mix about a tablespoon of rice cereal with a tablespoon of water and add a little bit of pureed pears or fruit for Lynley. Try to burp her before feeding her 5 ounces of milk.

Play time
Lynley goes in rocking chair while Corbin gets diaper changed. (this helps her tummy settle more by staying elevated.) After 15 minutes, change diaper and transfer her to play mat with Corbin. Play with both babies on the mat and help them practice rolling over, standing and sitting. Sing the hokey pokey or another song, play patty cake or peekaboo.

Nap time between 8:15 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Look for cues of sleepiness. Usually after being awake for approximately one hour and 15 minutes to one and a half hours. Lynley gets tired first. Put Corbin in the rocking chair and get Lynley settled down by turning on music, rocking her and humming for a few minutes. She should sleep to one to two hours (hopefully two!) Do the same for Corbin.

Mid-morning feeding between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Babies go in high chairs in kitchen.
Corbin eats 6 ounces of milk. Offer a fruit or veggie in tiny little bites with spoon.
Lynley takes medicine and waits 10 to 15 minutes (how ever long you can get before meltdown starts). Feed her several small spoonfuls of fruit or veggie (about 10 spoonfuls) until she starts pushing it out or getting anxious for milk (you will know!). Try to burp before feeding 5 ounces of milk.

Play time

L puts feet in C’s face. C licks L’s feet.

Lynley goes in rocking chair while Corbin gets diaper changed. After 15 minutes, change diaper and transfer her to play mat with Corbin. Play time on mat or go for walk in stroller with Jeep if you feel up to it. Or see if they will sit in the bumbos and play on the little piano with you. Read story if you didn’t go for walk.

Nap time between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m
Look for cues of sleepiness. Usually about four hours after the first nap, but they tend to stay awake a little longer, closer to two hours, but put down if they are getting cranky around one and half. They should sleep for another one to two hours. (Eat your lunch and power nap yourself!)

Lunch between 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Babies go in high chairs in kitchen.
Corbin eats 6 ounces of milk. Offer a fruit or veggie in tiny little bites with spoon.
Lynley eats fruit or veggie. Try to burp before feeding 5 ounces of milk.

Play time
Wing it. Let them play on mat or in the rocking chairs or bumbos. Whatever they tolerate. Go on a walk if you didn’t earlier. Patty cake, peekaboo, song time. Let them play on you in the big bed before nap. Read story if you feel like it.

Nap time between 3:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m 
This should be a shorter nap (one to one and half hours), but let them sleep if they didn’t nap well earlier. Wake them up around 5:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Dinner between 6:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
No solids. Corbin eats 6 and a half ounces. Give Lynely an extra 10mm to her 5 ounce bottle. Put them in swings or chairs and eat your dinner.

Bedtime routine between 6:45 p.m. and 7:15 p.m.
Wipe down face, neck and hands. Apply ointment to Lynley’s neck if it looks red and broken out. Change into jammies and swaddle. Read the “Going to Bed Book,” say prayers, sing or hum, say I love you and goodnight.

Our goodnight prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this day you’ve given us. Thank you for Mommy and Daddy, Corbin, Lynley and Jeep. Thank you for our families and friends, our beautiful home, good health and happiness. Please continue to bless our lives and help us appreciate all the little things we may take for granted. Please keep us safe in our sleep tonight, let us have good dreams and wake up well rested in the morning.
In Jesus name, Amen.

My goodnight song to the babies is How He Loves Us by David Crowder band, a song I have sung to them since they were in my belly! Daddy makes up his own songs. :)



  1. says

    Awe!!! I am happy and sad that you are coming all this way just for me…I have had second thoughts for days. But Brian calmed me down and I do really miss our time together soo….I can’t wait to see you!!!! :-) I love you so much Teff!!!! :-)

  2. says

    Adorable pictures. Love the cute laugh. Lovely prayer too. The picture with L putting feet in C’s face. C licking L’s feet with the rompers on is sooo cute. You are so lucky.