I just realized I never posted an update about the glucose screening test. I passed! I do not have gestational diabetes, and that’s great since I have been craving only sweets lately. I’m 29 weeks 3 days today, and we have an ultrasound tomorrow. My mom is coming in town tonight so she can attend the appt., and I’m so excited that she will get to see the babies on the big screen. There will be lots of tears I am sure. We’re taking maternity pictures this weekend too, and I am excited/freaked out at the same time. I am so swollen, and I’m worried I’ll look huge in the pics! At least the props will be super cute. A sneak peak will be coming in my 30 week update, so stay tuned.
Now on to the important stuff… no eye rolling please. This is our plea to our friends and family who wish to come over to see the babies when they are born. Since they will likely be born a little bit early and during cold/flu season, we are requesting that everyone get a flu shot and the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine before being allowed to come over to our house for a visit. We really want to introduce the babies to everyone who wants to come over, but we must be cautious because cases of whooping cough are on the rise in Texas, especially Austin. This is an illness they could die from. I don’t want our holidays ruined by someone getting sick, much less the babies getting sick, so I hope everyone understands that this is not meant to keep anyone away. It’s meant to protect us all, so we can have an enjoyable time and celebrate their birth without the worries. And yes, even if you get the shots and come over, expect me to sanitize you from head to toe! I have already stocked up on hand sanitizer, and I will have masks and gloves for those who even look the least bit sniffly. Call me crazy, go ahead. I’ll gladly own that title if it means keeping my family healthy. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Soooo smart of you to ask family and friends to get these shots! We did the same with our families and Piper was born in the summer! You can never be too cautious when it comes to newborns. Can’t wait to see your maternity photos! I’m sure they will be beautiful:)